Do you have a product you think would be of interest to our readers? Well we would love the opportunity to review your product!
We offers product reviews in exchange for product samples that have an ARV of over $25 USD. All product reviews require a non-returnable sample. Since we receive so many product samples every week, we can not promise to cover any products or samples that are sent to us. If you are concerned about this, please email us before mailing samples to be sure we have room in our editorial calender for your product.
Do you promise to post a positive review of our product?
NO! We do not promise to write positive reviews of any products. Nor will we accept payment to publish a review that we did not write! Fashionable Media blogs have a moral obligation to our readers to only bring them reviews of products we have personally tried and tested or personal reviews of brands we are familiar with. Upon accepting a product for review, we make no promises to post a positive review, but do not believe in bashing a product, either. We try to be fair and balanced when reviewing products, and we evaluate products based on our personal experience with the product as well as the reviews of others, if applicable. We only post about products we believe to be of value and that our readers would find interesting. We will not accept payment for positive reviews!!! If we don’t like the product, we aren’t posting about it. Period.
Product reviews are done on a first come / first serve basis. This is the only way we can continue to provide fresh, daily content to our readers. (Full sized products are required for review.)
Do you return product samples?
No. In most cases, we do not return product samples!!! If you, for some reason, need the product or sample returned, and we have previously agreed to do so, you will need to include a pre-paid shipping label. Please note that we will not cover any shipping fees, neither to us, back to you, or to giveaway winners. If you need samples returned, state this BEFORE sending the product and arrange to pay the Author’s Fee of $25. We are not responsible for returning any samples if you have not informed us, before shipment, that the samples need to be returned!
How long does a product review take?
We usually take 2-8 weeks to test the samples and write up our review. Beauty and cosmetic products can take up to 3 months or however long it takes to see results (Anti-again products, weight loss products, etc). After the review is finished, we will let you know when we plan to post it on our blog for the public to see, and will send you the link for it. All product reviews will receive coverage on our Twitter account and on our Facebook fan page as well.
Why haven’t I seen my product on your blogs yet?
If you have sent us a product to review and you have not seen it mentioned on any of the blogs or our social media channels, please send us an email to inquire. We receive a lot of samples and we don’t have time to review or include every product on our blogs. Be sure to double check our social media channels (instagram, twitter, facebook, pinterest, etc) if you don’t see your product or brand mentioned on the blogs. We always do our best to accommodate brands that we trust and believe in. (Note: We do not post about products that don’t do what they promised to do, are of poor quality, have poor performance, deliver none or negative results, fail or break during review, cause allergic reactions, are potentially harmful, etc.)
Please take the time to add us to your Press page or News section. We appreciate it! You can request graphics, logos, and banners for this in a specific size, or you may choose from the selection at the bottom of the page here.
For more information on how you can get your product reviewed, please contact us.
Email The Fashionable Housewife:
Email The Fashionable Gal:
Email The Fashionable Bambino:
Email The Fashionable Plate:
Email The Fashionable Philosopher:
Email A Few Goody Gumdrops:
Please direct ALL advertising inquiries to as our individual editors for each site do not handle advertising placement.